
College Planning and Student Loan Debt

Parents want to be able to provide funds for their children in the event they attend college. The most common types of accounts are state 529 plans and Coverdell accounts. Other students will need to use student loans or a combination of savings plans and debt to fund their education.

Focused Planning

Financial planning is an important piece of the Wealth Management process. In fact, we encourage all of our clients to go through the process to help their advisor make individual recommendations based on their unique situations. We do not adhere to the “one-size-fits-all” investment alloca …

Price Multiples, Not as Simple as High or Low

Among the many challenges to filtering out good long-term stock investments is determining a reasonable price to pay for shares. Various methods are used to arrive at this value, many of which incorporate a measure of how high today’s price is relative to some fundamental metric. These are …

How Much Should I Save for Retirement?

Published by Teresa Milner How much should I save for retirement? The easy answer to this question is: AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! I know there is more science and art to saving for retirement than this answer provides such as the questions of, “Who,” “What,” “When” and “Where?”

Spring Cleaning

When it comes to spring cleaning, the hardest part is to get started…but with a plan in place your financial closet refresher will get you on your way to a stimulating rest of the year. Your spring cleaning financial plan can be as simple as these three steps:

Use Your Budget to “Increase Your Paycheck”

I recently celebrated another birthday. I was disappointed when I remembered that, while my toys have gotten more expensive, they do not bring me even a fraction of the excitement a new set of Legos did when I was 6. But upon reflecting on some of the financial changes I’ve experience over …

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Business professional using his tablet to check his financial numbers

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